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Analemma and Equation of Time


This is a simple, SVG-based application which will generate a path-based file of the solar Equation of Time.

Results should be good to within about one second of time. But there are no corrections for temperature, latitude, solar altitude, etc.

The output produced by the Export option can be used in conjunction with Inkscape, a free utility that can be installed on virtually any computer no matter what the operating system, to generate a printout which can easily be scaled to just about any size. The template for both of the concrete castings, seen to the right, were generated by the export function. The darker piece (gray cement, iron-based acid stain) was made using a clay-model/plaster-mold technique, while the more detailed white casting (white cement) was made from a rubber mold (the mold was made from a plaster model).

Stay away from INTERNET EXPLORER or the new EDGE browser on Windows 10. They will "hang" when attempting to generate the SVG export file.

Setup  •  Export  •  General